

Gribbid 5-Star Internationals

gribbid progrip® is just amazing; it feels so soft, is flexible and gives me the best grip in all conditions!

gribbid 5-star since: 2014
German Internationalfih

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TOM BOON – striker
“Every hockeyplayer improves his game with a gribbid progrip®. The
Belgium team uses them, and we became the Worldchampions -:)”

gribbid 5-star since: 2013
Belgium International fih

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BLAKE GOVERS  – midfielder
“With my gribbid progrip® I’am always in controle

gribbid 5-star since: 2015
Australian Internationalfih

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DAVID HARTE  – goalie
gribbid progrip® makes my gear complete. Only the best is good enough at
the top! Check out the customised, we use them at my clubteam Kampong
and the Irish team for the special matches!”

gribbid 5-star since: 2013
Irish Internationalfih

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Zach Wallace – striker
The gribbid progrip® is the best chamoisgrip I ever played with,
and I have tried them all. For me the best grip ever!”

gribbid 5-star since: 2018
GB Internationalfih

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Aran Zalewski – Captain Australia
I play with the gribbid original ducth chamois grips
for over five years now. They give me the best grip I need”

gribbid 5-star since: 2019
Australian Internationalfih

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